Nullish Coalescing Operator

Arnaud Dostes
2 min readAug 19, 2019


The nullish coalescing operator is a stage 3 proposal which means it is very likely going to become a part of the JavaScript language so it’s a good idea to understand what it is and what it does.

When accessing a property, it is sometimes necessary to set a default value, and this is usually done using the || operator, like this:

const value = obj.value || 'default value';

But there is an issue with this code. The variable value will equal 'default value' not only when value is null or undefined, but also any time it is falsy:

console.log(null || 'default value');      // default value
console.log(undefined || 'default value'); // default value
console.log(false || 'default value'); // default value
console.log(0 || 'default value'); // default value
console.log('' || 'default value'); // default value
console.log(NaN || 'default value'); // default value

While that is probably the intended behavior when a variable is null or undefined, it’s not super clear whether that’s what is desirable when the variable is equal to 0 or '' .

This is where the nullish coalescing operator ??comes in play. Instead of defaulting falsy values, the nullish coalescing operator defaults only null and undefined :

console.log(null ?? 'default value');      // default value
console.log(undefined ?? 'default value'); // default value
console.log(false ?? 'default value'); // false
console.log(0 ?? 'default value'); // 0
console.log('' ?? 'default value'); // ''
console.log(NaN ?? 'default value'); // NaN

This becomes particularly useful with the Optional Chaining operator I wrote about previously.

It is now possible to write this:

const value = nested?.first ?? 'no value';

Which means the variable value will be defaulted to 'no value' only if the property first is null or undefined.

To enable the nullish coalescing operator in a create-react-app, just check out this code or follow this article and run the following command:

$ yarn add @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator -D

And modify the .babelrc file so it looks like this:

"plugins": [

That’s it!



Arnaud Dostes
Arnaud Dostes

Written by Arnaud Dostes

Previously Paris and Geneva, currently New York. Can also be found at

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